There is so much confusion around sex coaching out there – so we thought we’d answer the most-frequently asked ones.
How Is Sex Coaching Different From Sex Therapy?
Traditional sex therapy often focuses on sexuality from a medical or dysfunction-based viewpoint. Sex therapy usually ends when things are “OK” and rarely shoots for “great,” “mind-blowing” or “out-of-this-world” sex.
Often, problem-resolution takes a long time and rarely goes into enhancement or expansion around sexuality. Like some traditional sex therapists, sex coaches are highly educated and trained sexologists so they can provide you with all of the research-based information that a sex therapist can provide.
While many sex therapists resort to using books and videos as homework, sex coaching goes beyond homework because people … don’t always do their homework. And even when they do – they can’t necessarily see what might be missing in their interactions.
Experiential and hands-on education in a sex coaching session can show what is missing, and your sex coach is able to give you more specific and accurate practices for change. This creates much quicker, more effective, and lasting transformation and a sense of mastery that transforms your daily life.
How is Tantra Different?
Tantra is a three-phased spiritual path that takes years to master. In the West, most Tantra teachers and workshops do not teach the full path, instead, they teach a small segment that focuses on sexuality, massage, and breathing.
While we incorporate some Tantric ideas into the Somatica Method – such as experiencing the world through all of your senses – we do not believe that any kind of sexual expression is the best.
Instead, we invite you to celebrate your sexuality as an expression of your personal freedom, and encourage you to find your own places of comfort, joy, and expansion.
How is Sex Coaching Different from Other Coaching Disciplines?
There are many people out there calling themselves life coaches and some of them are quite good, especially if you, the client, already have a good idea of what you want to do.
Unfortunately, most people begin pursuing a path before really getting in touch with their deepest and most important desires. Sex coaching, on the other hand, begins by connecting you with your sexuality and helps you tap into your heartfelt desires. It helps you experience the most pleasurable life you can, and expand your ideas of what is possible for you.
Very few life coaches are trained to deal with sexuality. Highly trained experts in the field of sexuality like Somatica coaches can transform every aspect of your life – from your sexual connection and relationship to your personal and professional life.
Can’t I Just Go Out and Buy My Partner a New Toy or Rent a Movie to Make Our Sex Life More Exciting Again?
Bringing in a new sex toy can be great fun. However, the process of choosing the right toy can be filled with a lot of trial and error, mostly because people don’t have a lot of information about how their bodies, pleasure and orgasms work and which toys would be best for them.
Sex coaching teaches people all about their bodies, helps them discover what kinds of orgasms are possible, and how to choose, embrace, and effectively use sex toys.
Negotiating new experiences like porn, fantasy, or other kinds of experimental enhancements can sometimes be difficult and filled with misunderstanding. One partner may get their feelings hurt, thinking that they are not enough or there may be judgments.
Sex coaches help you talk openly and honestly about your desires, negotiate desires and boundaries, and embrace experimentation, so you can talk about what you really want without shame or guilt.
Are Sex Coaches Also Sexological Bodyworkers?
They can be. It’s highly individual, and depends on the approaches the practitioner uses.
This comprehensive article explains what a sexological bodyworker is, what they do, and what someone can expect in a session.
I Am Very Health Conscious, and Very Much in My Body. What Does Sex Coaching Offer Someone Like Me?
Sex coaching embraces the power of alternative approaches to health, particularly holistic solutions that take account of every part of your being.
Yet while practices such as yoga and meditation can deeply enhance your life, they may never touch on your sexual or erotic life. Thus, sex coaching works in conjunction with your other practices to support you in expanding sexual and sensual pleasure in your daily lives.
It teaches you how to experience more joy and comfort in your body, and how to fully give, receive, and relax into pleasure. Nurturing your life force is the best preventative medicine there is!
My Doctor Told Me I Would Need to Use a Drug to Overcome my ED. Can Sex Coaching Help Me Without Medical Intervention?
While it is true that some types of sexual difficulties can be rooted in physiological problems such as hormonal imbalances or limited blood flow, many times there is also have a mental component.
Medical doctors will often jump immediately to prescription drugs because they are not aware of alternative approaches. However, erectile problems can be overcome by lowering anxiety, tuning into bodily sensations, and releasing shame and other emotional blocks. Sex coaching has shown a great deal of success with helping men get and maintain erections without medication.