Priest Attacked
Forgive Me Father, For I Have Sinned
Here’s something Jesus would not do … a man attacked a priest in the middle of a prayer, running out from a pew to tackle the reverend … and it’s all on video.
The unholy incident went down Tuesday during a service at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes in Spokane, WA … and footage shows the moment a priest was tackled to the ground.
Ya gotta see the video … Rev. David Gaines is kneeling in prayer with other priests when a man rises from his pew and runs towards the altar … scaling a few steps and clumsily wrestling Gaines to the ground.
Chaos ensues as other priests pull the attacker away … and when the dust settles, cops arrest the guy they believe is responsible for the attack.
According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, cops say the attacker here is a 40-year-old homeless man named Joshua Summer … and he’s been charged with fourth-degree assault.
Unclear what provoked the attack … but Rev. Darrin Connall told KHQ in Spokane the man was quietly sitting in his pew for about 45 minutes before going on the offensive.
Mini miracle here too … Connall says Father Gaines was not seriously injured.
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